
By pat - 21/05/2009 13:06 - United States

Today, my parents bought me a wine glass with "Who needs a man?" painted all over it. Cute, until after dinner my mom looked me in the eyes and asked with complete sincerity, "Kara, are you gay?" My parents tried to get me to come out. I'm straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 838
You deserved it 3 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My parents ask me the same thing almost every week... I'm straight too :(

Yeah, FYL for having parents who are accepting about that. /sarcasm All you had to say was "no" and that's the end. Be thankful you don't have those parents who would disown you if you were.


@ 40: I don't think the OP thinks there's anything wrong with being gay. . . If you have had few or no relationships, it's annoying to have your parents think you're in the closet, as though there must be some sort of *reason* you're not dating beyond a simple "Haven't met anyone I'm interested in" or as though there's something wrong with not dating. OR, the OP could simply be bothered that her parents apparently don't know her well enough to know she's straight. That said, I agree with the general sentiment that this isn't an FML. The parents are supportive and well-intentioned. It's just awkward.

just_kidding 0

At least they don't mind. If I were lesbian I'd like to have your parents.

lains 0

yeah so like, everyone? no one said that the parents didn't mind. my parents would do the same sneaky bullshit and disown me after i admitted it, if that were the case. the real fml is that your parents bought you a wine glass that harps on your singularity, lol.

Are you homophobic? I don't see how this is FML. YDI for being upset about having awesome parents.

liddyp 0

this is not a fml. at least your parents are supportive. my parents want to kick me out and not speak to me. you are one lucky girl.

ThUrSdAy13th 0

#48 -- just so you know lots of gay people who are in the closet have opposite sex boy/girlfriends

pacificriot 0

#32 umm she IS a girl my names kara too! but that kinda sucks...parents should wait until their child comes out on their own instead of asking and wrongly thinking that i mean, they seem nice and all for being supportive, but they shouldnt have jumped to conclusions

lemony_music_grl 0

my cousin knows the reverse of how u feel lol. he's gay but my strict grandparents dont know it. i dont know how many times they ask him if he has a girlfriend. kinda makes u feel like crap, huh?