
By pat - 21/05/2009 13:06 - United States

Today, my parents bought me a wine glass with "Who needs a man?" painted all over it. Cute, until after dinner my mom looked me in the eyes and asked with complete sincerity, "Kara, are you gay?" My parents tried to get me to come out. I'm straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 838
You deserved it 3 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My parents ask me the same thing almost every week... I'm straight too :(

Yeah, FYL for having parents who are accepting about that. /sarcasm All you had to say was "no" and that's the end. Be thankful you don't have those parents who would disown you if you were.


So... wanna take a ride on my motorcycle?

i agree FYL , but seriously, what have you done , they must of caught you doing something bi-curious huh?

Just come out already...we all know you're gay

trapiadora 0

Wow they must not really know you at all. I would think that it would be abviouyse that your straight you have to have tleast one boyfriend ydto

#8 - Or else people just didn't come out in the past because they'd get disowned or worse.

jb21 0

such openminded parents. even if i was straight, i would be glad that my parents aren't a bunch of conservative mofoes.