
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 053
You deserved it 3 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


queenj 0

FHL! Hes an ignorant asshole.

liveitlearnit 0

Thank you for choosing your career. People like you have saved many people I love.

i agree with number 9. If you're ever called out to help him, take your time and say "maybe i should have stayed in school!" Paramedics do some of the best work on the planet. They're right up there with firefighters and the police* in terms of people who do the best work and get paid the least. You're doing a good job, keep doing it and do it well. *unless the police in the USA get paid loads. they don't here in the UK

I started out as a paramedic and got called "ambulance driver" all of the time - pissed me off. I later got my bachelors in nursing, and am working on my Master's degree but to this day the hardest thing I ever did was paramedic school. Just comfort yourself in the knowledge that you make more difference in the world in one week at your current job than that guy will make his entire life.

Inspired22 11

Screw him. Be proud of what you do! And seriously, what is he saying? Go to school so you won't have to get a job that actually requires effort? Lazy ass! Any job worth doing is gonna take work!

dudemitch 0

13 they dont get paid great here in the us either. pretty average salary. decent benifits. they deserve way more

darkheadlights 4

Are you sure he didn't mean, "See why you stay in school...so you can be like this guy"?

doubt it. op had mentioned long hrs and stress. to most ppl that just equals a lousy job with no college degree.

ya, not a FML or YDI at all, but thanks for all your hardwork :D

what a jerk! we need paramedics. it's an important job. thank you for doing what you do.

i agree with 17... i think that's what he was trying to say.