
By naagodinho - 09/01/2012 14:56 - Portugal

Today, I applied to a new gym. Now I have a hernia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 916
You deserved it 4 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the Doc Bastard. He will heal you with his magical unicorn powers. Then, have fun at your new gym. :)

perdix 29

Now you've got a nice bulge to show off to the ladies. Get you a Speedo!


obviousboy 8
kaptvesou1 4

Dumbass. If you don't know how to lift properly and safely you should have hired a professional trainer

Nanner789 0

Accidents happen. Sheesh, take it easy..

Um he was trying to get buff and I'm gonna laugh if you get fat!

fml says that he applied to a new gym, so he has been in gym earlier, but it was just a different one.

Someone's been pushing themself a little too hard if you got a hernia within a day...

It seems that everyone is assuming you got the hernia at the gym, in which case it would be a YDI for lifting more weights than you can handle or not doing it properly. But it could also mean that you received a hernia elsewhere which is why it would suck that you just signed up for a new gym and now you are unable to use it. In that case FYL.

jayAZ 3

Just after completing the application!?