Unlucky for some

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a big family dinner. I didn't realize I hadn't been invited until we were about to sit down to eat. There were 12 chairs, 12 plates, 12 forks, and 12 glasses. I was the 13th person to arrive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 533
You deserved it 2 805

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

That's when you sit down on the host's place

It's cause when 13 dine, the first to rise is the first to die


lenamartinovic 13

That's when you sit down on the host's place

OP wasn't invited. OP needs to realize that if you aren't invited there's a reason and OP should leave. Sure it isn't nice to not invite OP but maybe OP had a falling out with the host or some family. We just don't know.

MagicGiraffe 12

OP might have thought they were invited since it is a family dinner. It doesn't specify if it was immediate family or not though so that may help.

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MagicGiraffe 12

It also puzzles me how there was ZERO spoons!

Just pull up an extra seat - it's family.

80- I'm more puzzled as to why there's no knives or napkins… I can understand no spoons, simply no soup. but knives are kinda supposed to be there, no?

How the hell do you not know if you we're invited or not?

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syley 5

Maybe because it's a family dinner and she's family? Op's family were probably talking about it too.

Op never said "MY family dinner". For all we know, op could be a demented hobo who uses library computers to get on FML.

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syley 5

59) you make me wonder if you think 14 is serious, about the demented hobo part anyway, the not op's family could be very well accurate!

ilovecandie 0

There were probably place cards on the table.

I dunno, when my father announces "we're going now to aunt/uncle/cousin ____ for a family gathering" I kinda assume I'm invited even if no one sent me a personalized invitation with all paperwork filled out in triplicate. so yeah, I can see how OP could make the mistake to assume that their family counted them as a family member

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Well, let's see... Generally whenever it's a family gathering and you're a close immediate member of that family, you just kind of automatically assume that you were invited.

Surely they can just pull up An extra plate and chair. If they made the OP feel really unwelcome, that’s pretty shit.

It also said OP was invited in the FML. Unless the FML itself is faulty! :o *doublepostiregretnothing

Sinkhole 26

The FML doesn't say OP was invited.

Misread it. My bad, turns out I'm faulty!

ilovecandie 0

Maybe there were place cards and she saw that her name wasn't on any of them.

You don't need them. They sound like a shitty family.

Samster2000 9

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Samster2000 9

Surely if you don't hear about it from the host, you shouldn't assume you're invited unless someone else specifically mentions you're invited.

I don't know...if my family (extended or otherwise) has a party or dinner and everyone else is invited, it usually means I'm invited too. Generally people don't invite every single person in the family one-by-one. They're just say "I'm having a get-together. Can you all come?"

It's cause when 13 dine, the first to rise is the first to die

daringtoride 27

Oh that silly Trelawney. Did I spell her name right? If this is a reference or not...if not, oops :)

It was a reference. I'm glad people are catching it haha

If you read the series carefully you'll see she was right.

killer6969 16

Yes 6 perfect timing qouting professor trelawney :)

78- I know? I said that she was correct? That's why I said it lol

Oh my bad 78. I see wat your saying now lol

That's why Sirius black died first in the fifth Harry Potter book.

rachilio 26

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Pardon my asking, but was there a point hidden somewhere in that paragraph?

bingababe 16

Not sure about a point, but I think there was a sex change hidden somewhere in that paragraph.

RealTalk0 7

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How do you know it was you? just because you were the last to arrive doesn't mean you were the one who didn't get invited

Trisha_aus 15

I guess I'm the only one who read Squeaky's comment in Bane's voice