Vibe check: strong crystal mom energy

By me. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's response to my question about where our relationship was going was, "Let me check what my Celtic Runes have to say about it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 765
You deserved it 4 119

Top comments

Haha_oh_wait 4

It's better than checking what her alphabet soup has to say.

ayooBrandon 12

fingers crossed it says "sex everyday"


lizardninja 0

Aaahh! Them good old Celtic runes, I couldn't live without 'em! I must consult them now to see how many thums ups I get.

PaganCharmFairey 3

One performs magick by casting a circle, evoking the goddess and the god, and any other deity they choose. They burn different candles for different occasions, sometimes people make offerings, using cakes or fruit. I'm not that knowledgable about magick, but wanted to inform you of what I know. Also, not all Pagans are bitches, like you said in your comment. Google it if you want to learn more. Pagans and Wiccans have been around much longer than any other religious group out there.

PaganCharmFairey 3

Oh also, the first part of my reply was to DocBastard. The other part was for the person who commented originally. Sorry for any confusion....

Shadow_Phantom 26

Sounds like you're not very tolerant...

Just be glad she didn't asked Siri!

Shadow_Phantom 26

If you're Pagan, and you don't perform magick, then you're not a Pagan. :| Cast a circle and invoke... what? That's not how you do things. Also, Paganism has. Wicca is recent, and isn't the same.

Imagine seriously trying to gatekeep Paganism.

I feel your pain. Sort of in the same boat, here. Hang in there; if itsmeant to be the runes will show it.

Just so you know, there's no such thing as "meant to be".

Conley78643 0

Hope the sex is good, because the bitch is crazy.

Do you call everyone crazy who doesn't do things your way?

PaganCharmFairey 3

OMG! Dubmasses on here! Not all Pagans or Wiccans perform magick! Why is that statement so hard???? Why don't you guys educate yourself, by reading up on it. You might learn something!