Vibe check: strong crystal mom energy

By me. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's response to my question about where our relationship was going was, "Let me check what my Celtic Runes have to say about it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 765
You deserved it 4 119

Top comments

Haha_oh_wait 4

It's better than checking what her alphabet soup has to say.

ayooBrandon 12

fingers crossed it says "sex everyday"


Babyseal420 7

Well at least you didn't tell her you loved her and have her respond "What did you just say?!"

PaganCharmFairey 3

I'm a Pagan, and I don't perform magick. Not all Pagans do. Also, not all Wiccans perform magick either. Just saying' ....

At least she didn't ask her mum. But by the sounds of it, I don't think she cares where your relationship is going if she needs to check. FYL OP. But if you are determined to stay with this girl and her runes say "nowhere", confirm her results with some tarrot cards or a coffee reading to be sure.

kaykay20 0

She seems to depend too much on them. The gods are there to provide guidance and help not to completely run your life. Moving on seems to be a wise choice in his situation since she doesn't seem to be able to make her own decisions.

72, hopefully OP will read your comment.

You don't have to be pagan to use "runes". And you don't have to use "runes" to be pagan.

Forgive me for sounding ignorant here, but how exactly does one perform magic? And what can one do with said magic? And has the spelling changed to "magick"? Why wasn't I informed?

Dude, totally something a guy would say. It means you're getting laid quit trying to make it more than that. Shouldn't have to explain that to you.

KiddNYC1O 20

Or she threw up in her mouth a little.