Vibe check: strong crystal mom energy

By me. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's response to my question about where our relationship was going was, "Let me check what my Celtic Runes have to say about it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 765
You deserved it 4 119

Top comments

Haha_oh_wait 4

It's better than checking what her alphabet soup has to say.

ayooBrandon 12

fingers crossed it says "sex everyday"


There is too much irony but not enough sarcasm on this thread...

bizarre_ftw 21

Not that unusual, I have a friend that does daily castings. The creepy thing is they have a tendency to work, but one could also chalk that up to the reader's mind filling in the blanks with what they want, sorta like getting in touch with your subconscious accidentally. So don't worry, she'll pick what she wants. Or hey, maybe the spirits will actually decide the outcome of your relationship for you! Who knows?!! All the same, I suggest not pissing any off, just in case. :) *chain rattles* o.o

Oh COME ON...are you really suggesting that spirits are going to decide where their relationship goes? No way. One of the amazing and beautiful things about being human is our ability to reason and make choices for ourselves. We aren't animals of pure instinct, nor are we dictated by spirits. The decision is fully up to OP's girlfriend, she's deflecting probably because she's unsure herself. Hope I didn't piss off any spirits here. So sorry if I did.

bizarre_ftw 21

The joke cleared your head by a mile I see

kaykay20 0

Theirs more then one type of and white. The magic the original poster is referring to is black magic. As some here know not all pagans use it and you don't need to use magic to be pagan but it does have a part in the god or goddesses they chose to follow.

bizarre_ftw 21

Hey doc, you realize you're a doctor and the original doctors were medicine women, aka pagans, and they were burned alive for that. They are your lineage. Also, as magick is part if the pagan/Wiccan faith, for some anyway, the spelling - when in relation to it - does use a k, I can't remember if it was always that way or if it was done to distinguish it from the Hollywood and fairy tale 'magic'. And no, I'm not Wiccan or pagan, I'm not religious at all, I just like to read and this is fascinating stuff.

Your gf checking with the Celtic Runes.. jus hope she finds its all good.

bizarre_ftw 21

69 - yes & no. Yes Wicca is a newer version but no to the idea that you have to use magick to be either (and yes, that actually is exactly how it works)

Okay, so how does paganism work once you find out your "magick" didn't do anything?

Stupid girl. No such thing as "Celtic runes".

MsMeiriona 2

Thank you. Glad I'm not the only one who knows this.

Had to create an account for this. Actually, there is a primitive Irish alphabet called Ogham, which pretty much worked in a way comparable to runes in the Germanic world at the time. As a Druid, I use them quite often in my work. It's a good idea to know what you're talking about before you go calling people stupid.