By izaya - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Muskogee

Today, I woke up with a electric dog collar on my neck. I wouldn't have noticed it until my stepfather turned the collar to the highest intensity just to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 914
You deserved it 2 211

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I think the fact that you didn't wake up to him putting it on and it took you getting shocked clarifies a reason for him doing it

Okay OP, if you are a minor, you need to call CPS and the cops. If you aren't, then just the cops. This is not okay and he needs to know that it isn't. If he faces criminal charges, maybe his dumb ass will wake the **** up and realize what a shit stain he is.

That's abuse!!! Get help from the authorities!!!

That is child abuse, call the cops!!

Given the history between stepfathers abs stepchildren either he's a typical arsehole or you're really lazy and don't do anything abs he's sick of it. ?

Doesn't matter if OP is lazy. That doesn't give the stepfather the right to shock OP like that. Would you say a lazy stepchild deserves to be beaten? What he did is considered abuse and it is gross that you're defending him.

thats assault, if youre under 18 its assault of a minor and considered a form of child abuse, and lasty I love your name (I had to add that in izaya-kun)

Yo ur stepfather sounds cool af, prank him back but instead of one collar, put multiple on his neck and arms. Probably will never mess with you again.