By izaya - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Muskogee

Today, I woke up with a electric dog collar on my neck. I wouldn't have noticed it until my stepfather turned the collar to the highest intensity just to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 914
You deserved it 2 211

Top comments


xluciferx666 21

Kick him square in the nuts

That's just shocking...were you a leash kid when you were younger?

pharm121 21

Everyone needs to quit with the "it's child abuse" 1. We don't know that OP is a minor 2 he's step dad could just be a douche 3 not every little thing needs the police involved just because you're too much of a pussy to do anything back. Everyone quit being so butt hurt

and obviously it's not abuse, if he's a douche...

Depending on the voltage on the shock collar, It can seriously hurt a person. Yes, OP needs to go to the police with this. There is nothing funny or amusing about this

Doesn't even depend on the voltage as shocking like that can induce serious problems due to the fact that the PRIMARY CONTROL CORD AKA THE SPINE RUNS THROUGH THE NECK. There's a reason those collars are meant for dogs. Because they're tested for and approved for dogs so as not to cause serious harm.

> reads 40's message > automatically assumes it's written by a 20-ish year old wannabe-fratboy douchecanoe > checks profile > confirmed

TallMist 32

If OP isn't a minor, then it's assault and they have no right to collar the OP without the OP's permission. Especially if it's a shock collar. Everyone gets this strange idea that, once someone turns 18, you're allowed to hurt them all you want with no repercussions as long as you're a parent or step-parent. Newsflash: You're not allowed to hurt them all you want with no repercussions, even if you're a parent or a step-parent.

yeah, uhmm... maybe give child protection services a call.

Leave home and live a life like an information breaker. (/it's a reference to the character OP put as his name, I'm not telling a probably underage person to leave home instead of calling social services or/and the police)

Tell your mother. That isn't a joke„ it is dangerous and can seriously hurt someone.

Why are people assuming the mom doesn't know? Do people not know how common the abusive stepfather and the complicit mother situation is? It's a trope, a cliche, and it happens all the time. She probably thought it was hilarious. I just hope OP doesn't grow up thinking this is how parents are supposed to treat their kids.

Uhhhh.... That does not sound legal in the slightest.

Only way an electric dog collar should be used. If you think it hurts, imagine an animal half your size..

Why should an electric dog collar be used on a person against their will?

I think #52 meant that shock collars are a harsh way to train a dog as it hurts them. If it hurts you, imagine how much it'd hurt a dog half your size. I think it's both harsh and completely unnecessary if you actually train your dog properly. Start young, and be a good teacher. Don't make your dog suffer countless electrocutions purely because you're incompetent.

OMG! People stop with the CPS. Those things do not hurt that much, they just cause the muscles in a very localized region to tighten up for a second. More surprising than hurts. I know, I have shocked myself at the highest setting with one of those. Nothing weird. I just refuse to use one of those on my dog without knowing what she would feel.

53, if you think it's okay to put shock collars on children because "they don't even hurt that much", don't ever reproduce. Ever.