
By Anonymous - 23/08/2016 08:38

Today, my religious dad caught my brother jerking off, so he decided to give us both a lecture about it. My brother ended up saying, "If God doesn't want me to jerk off, how come he made my knob the perfect shape to fit in my hand?" I burst out laughing and now we're both grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 229
You deserved it 2 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry you both got grounded OP, but that was hysterical! I don't blame you for laughing. Your dad is wrong to try to shame both of you for something normal.


Your brother deserves it for getting caught.

Guidance for well...I'll just leave it at that...

I am "religious" but my opinion is better to 'spill your seed" then to get a girl pregnant. Enjoy your youth and good feelings that God gave you.

dude to get a girl prego you gota get a girl first and you cant do that if the prob is your face. so stfu

Please tell your brother that I am giving him a high five, because that response was badass.

Honestly you deserved to get grounded... Even if you disagree with your dad, he was trying to give you a serious speech, and it probably made him angry that you started laughing, because he took it to mean you didn't care.

Yeah, I actually laughed out loud at that! Brilliant response! Shame you got grounded, but hey, at least your brother knows how he'll kill the time!

If God didn't want you to jerk off he would have given you T-Rex arms!