
By Anonymous - 23/08/2016 08:38

Today, my religious dad caught my brother jerking off, so he decided to give us both a lecture about it. My brother ended up saying, "If God doesn't want me to jerk off, how come he made my knob the perfect shape to fit in my hand?" I burst out laughing and now we're both grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 229
You deserved it 2 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry you both got grounded OP, but that was hysterical! I don't blame you for laughing. Your dad is wrong to try to shame both of you for something normal.


LevelupKid 8

Your dad is ******* retarded. There is no way he possible made it all the way through puberty and possibly until he got married(since you said he was religious) with out jerking off. Seriously.

That's better than going out and getting a girl pregnant! Teenage hormones and urges have to be felt with somehow.

In his defense, I'd be an uptight jerk if I couldn't ********** either. On the upside, though, being grounded should mean plenty of time to engage in the very activity your brother got in trouble for.

golden response, couldn't have said it better myself

This like completely boggles my mind. Like, if I as a father caught my son or daughter masturbating I would just say sorry and leave and never bring it up (or act awkward about it) or anything. It's normal and healthy. Just do it in private, I don't give a shit. Everyone does it, everyone has a desire to do it, no shame in it.

Manual_Manoosy 21
SinnMaster 8

If you don't sin Jesus died for nothing.