Wardrobe malfunction

By awkwardpanda - 27/01/2017 20:00

Today, I performed for the first time at someone's wedding. When the music started, I heard a click. Slowly, I felt my strapless bra drop lower and lower due to my non-existent breasts. The hook on my bra had broken at that very moment on stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 920
You deserved it 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is it a YDI? Strapless bras can be worn by anyone, regardless of boob size. She obviously has worn it before, the hook just snapped. It happens. Could have happened to anyone.

Indigo Surri 1

Strapless bras are useless for just about everyone. If you're small enough to be able to wear one, you probably don't need one in the first place. If you're too big though, you just bounce around like a couple of basketballs are tied to your chest and you spend 90% of your time pulling it back up.


Apparently someone's desperate for a referral. Next time, you might think about purchasing a bag of cotton balls.

Next time just don't wear a bra then. Unless you have large breasts they're not really needed. Just wear a bralette or sense I'm guessing you were wearing a strapless dress/top wear nothing or pasties if you're worried about your nipples being visible.

If you have non-existent breasts as you claim, it doesn't matter if your bra drops or not ;) makes no difference.

wilnunez 6

Wow... Talk about awkward