We were on a break

By Depressed - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that we should take a break from our relationship, because it'd be best for the both of us. Later, I found out that she really meant it'd be best for her and her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 494
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I hope you didn't invest to much time,effort and money into that relationship. Take the opportunity and do some things you've always wanted to. :]

Amy_1995 0

get back at her she was clearly cheating on you in the first place


Igor_g5 0

It's good for you too. You want to be with a cheating bitch? it sucks but move on and find someone worthy.

ChrisCal14 0

I know exactly wat u mean man.

pnoymamba24 0

don't worry about it man! some gals just dnt kno way they got

cheergirly16 0

Why do I allways see stories like this??

let me clarify what this cryptic "break" means, it means the same thing as an open relationship, it's an excuse to go a knocking boots with every person within a 5 ft radius and have you around for the emotional stuff. it happens to the best of us. when that shot happens, all you gotta do is find someone else who is worth your time and go doesn't need breaks to figure shit out.

how is this an FML??.. dude she just a girl, a loss is more of an FML not some stupid breakup.. GSB OP

omg there are so many of these fml's but still somehow i feel ba for them still... uhh u kinda shoulda known that "take a break" means "breakup" keep that In mind next time… hopefully there won't b a next time but... that sux she obviously wasn't a good gf so find someone else. u should like walk up to her and her n bf 2 weeks from now and b like "is brake time over!?" lol