We were on a break

By Depressed - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that we should take a break from our relationship, because it'd be best for the both of us. Later, I found out that she really meant it'd be best for her and her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 494
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I hope you didn't invest to much time,effort and money into that relationship. Take the opportunity and do some things you've always wanted to. :]

Amy_1995 0

get back at her she was clearly cheating on you in the first place


Don't be depressed over her. She doesn't deserve it.

Women outnumber men in this country. You shouldn't have any major problems with walking away from your lying girlfriend. Just be careful who ya trust, and try not to breed.

That sucks, OP. Obviously you don't mean to her, what she meant to you. Time to move on, and find someone who will reciprocate your feelings, and wouldn't do something so sketchy.

You should tell her new boyfriend that you dumped her for testing HIV positive! That will flip her weave!! Lmao

58 - that's an awesome idea! I agree!! lmao!

HaxivX 0

lol for breakfast I had pop tarts. Pop tarts rule!

Amy_1995 0
Anti666 17

Dude, I feel for you. the exact same thing happened to me except my ex got with my best friend and now I don't talk to either of them. You deserve better; don't deal with bitches like that.

my girlfriend did that to me, biggest bitch move in the world, nothing is worse than a lying bitch, nothing.