We were on a break

By Depressed - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that we should take a break from our relationship, because it'd be best for the both of us. Later, I found out that she really meant it'd be best for her and her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 494
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I hope you didn't invest to much time,effort and money into that relationship. Take the opportunity and do some things you've always wanted to. :]

Amy_1995 0

get back at her she was clearly cheating on you in the first place


The thing is.. these days, 80-90% of girls NEED a boyfriend, or someone to be flirting with. Or at least more options. Which is why she would only break up with you when something was there. You didn't honestly think a break meant she wanted alone time? there's a new dick to jump on and sorry buddy but you weren't invited.

My BF of almost 3 years did this to me the other day! but he TOLD me about the other girl & started bragging about her! douchebaggg..told him we are done for good right then!

MikeAber 0

ya well my some what ex did the same thing but with two guys and I waited to do what she wanted I waited over two weeks to kiss her and when she did that it took less than a day for her to kiss them and I went back with her later on but ya it took the second guy she was with two weeks to finger her it took me more than 5 months and I was walking with her and the first guy she was dateing and she cut my wrist and I almost died and ya so I hate to say it but you got it easy but this is all true I'm not jokeing and I'm so ******* stupid I'm still some what with her today been together almost a year and a few months but ya I hate to say it but your lucky....

sarahkhan93 4

My ex did the same thing to me, blow it off if she didint tell you the truth, what is she worth?

hey you know what i realized, guys don't rlly get even like girls do when this sort of thing happens.. like wtf girls break widows, slash tires, or do something. Guys have no stress release.

Man up and do something about it fool, grab a bat and go beat the shit out of that guy, then write a nice message with his blood for your girlfriend,

Shitty buddy :( move on she isnt worth ur time