We were on a break

By Depressed - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that we should take a break from our relationship, because it'd be best for the both of us. Later, I found out that she really meant it'd be best for her and her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 494
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I hope you didn't invest to much time,effort and money into that relationship. Take the opportunity and do some things you've always wanted to. :]

Amy_1995 0

get back at her she was clearly cheating on you in the first place


MeGustaComer 0

At least she didn't cheat on you like in most of the other FMLs, right? But honesty is the best policy. ):)

you like a calf...ydi...I reckon your next girl does the same...do smth...tell your ex her new friend is a gay or whatsoever ...do smth...do not cry like toddler how you are offended by your ex girl...

...What? Why is the OP like a calf and what happened to words such as 'a', 'at' and 'that'?

The "whatsoever" was the one that got me, Cinn. >.<

...I thought 'whatsoever' was one word? Or have I missed something really obvious, Irish?

Whenever someone utters the phrase "taking a break" you should just let them go. Because that means that they've found someone else but they don't have the guts to leave you outright just incase that all goes wrong because they can't bear the thought that there might be a time when they are actually single.

that suckks man. but at least you didnt have to walk in on her cheating on you? that woulda been WORSE.

SuicidalxDream 0

.-. My boyfriend did that to me 4 weeks ago...

You deserved it AND your life sucks. No, I'm just kidding, that sucks.

damn that's roughhhh...but shit happens...just move on and you'll get someone new.

my boy called a break yesterday... after our date.... my 5month is next week... I know the pain

ghostiez 0

well that sucks I say if she has a sister you should eat out her sister on your ex's bed

Same thing happened to me three weeks ago, OP. I feel for you. Hopefully you didn't spend a year or more like I did. Makes you wanna do what others said - HIV problems new d00d!