Welcome back!

By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from a year long backpacking trip in Europe. During my absence my parents divorced, dad took the house and most of the money, sister is seven months pregnant, brother was arrested for statutory rape, and my mom pawned all my stuff to buy booze to "cope." Oh, and my fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 411
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll teach you to stay the hell away from Europe. But seriously, would things have been different if you stayed? Be glad you didnt have to live through it all.

...Wait. Your sister is pregnant. Your brother is arrested for rape. ... Dude, FYL for having an incestuous family!



It was a BACKPACKING TRIP. He was in NATURE for a year. You people don't know the complete circumstances. The OP is probably a grown man who can live on his own anyway. There are people who don't communicate with their families for more than a year, despite the fact that they are within civilization. I'm sure this backpacking trip was a more extreme Appalachian Trail located in Europe. The whole point is to GET AWAY FROM CIVILIZATION, you *****. OP you did not deserve this in any way, shape, or form. FYL. Sorry to hear it, bro.

While I agree that he did not deserve any of this and I find it odd that everyone is accusing him of not calling his family, I think you may be taking the term backpacking very literally. I know tons of people who have gone "backpacking" across Europe who were actually traveling from city to city, not in wilderness. Just the fact that he used the term does not mean he was isolated and away from humanity and civilization.

I agree with WTFsGoingOn. While people are morons for blaming the OP, "backpacking" generally means travelling with a backpack. It doesn't mean being out in the wilderness with no access to civilisation or technology. In fact, most European backpackers generally stick to the cities where they can get casual/part-time jobs to pay for their trip. They use trains and planes to get around, they go see all the main attractions (which are generally in cities), they often like to party in the nightlife areas... backpacking really doesn't have anything to do with escaping civilisation. That's camping or hiking.

AshliBaby16 0

..... your life completely sucks.

Congratulations mom, you've just taught me that stealing is good! Steal some of her stuff and sell them on eBay or something. If she had the "divine right" to sell your stuff, then I say you do the same.

I doubt the OP's mom sold her son's stuff before selling her own things for liquor.

Have you ever been close to an addict of any kind?

Wow I guess you were what held them together. Probably one of the worst FMLs. My Condolences

He never said he didnt have contact with his family..maybe he did know what was going on (except maybe the pawning of the stuff and the fish) but its all really hitting him in the face now that hes back home? Anyway, FYL indeed but good luck with that

I'm so sorry about what happened. People can be such asses sometimes.

YDI for not being connected. ever hear of a damn phone?