Welcome back!

By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from a year long backpacking trip in Europe. During my absence my parents divorced, dad took the house and most of the money, sister is seven months pregnant, brother was arrested for statutory rape, and my mom pawned all my stuff to buy booze to "cope." Oh, and my fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 411
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll teach you to stay the hell away from Europe. But seriously, would things have been different if you stayed? Be glad you didnt have to live through it all.

...Wait. Your sister is pregnant. Your brother is arrested for rape. ... Dude, FYL for having an incestuous family!


...and it's all your fault. what did you think the fish would feed itself. Man your irresponsible, don't ever have kids.

How did your dad get the house and most of the money?

rutzy342 0

Anybody else realize the possible incest in this?

NO! Not the fish, I hope he had a good name at least..


how in the world can you even try and say that the OP deserved this?? no one deserves all of this, and plus, cell phones probably didn't work, or were very expensive to use overseas... all i'm saying is we all know how hard some things can be to get thru, and this is obviously a very difficult in their life. they in NO WAY deserved this, or your rude comments.

I figured it out... Your fish convinced your brother to rape your sister and your parents couldn't take it so they divorced while you were away. Eventually...the fish would be forgotten and die a slow painful death with no one to feed it. So your mother felt so bad that she pawned the fish bowl and all other related fish items to buy booze to cope with her guilt. B00M HEADSHOT!!!!!