Welcome back!

By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from a year long backpacking trip in Europe. During my absence my parents divorced, dad took the house and most of the money, sister is seven months pregnant, brother was arrested for statutory rape, and my mom pawned all my stuff to buy booze to "cope." Oh, and my fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 411
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll teach you to stay the hell away from Europe. But seriously, would things have been different if you stayed? Be glad you didnt have to live through it all.

...Wait. Your sister is pregnant. Your brother is arrested for rape. ... Dude, FYL for having an incestuous family!


lolsan 0

Couldn't you have you know, conversed with them while you were in Europe?

If you had kept in touch (like normal people would) you wouldn't be hearing all this bad news at once; spread out over the course of twelve months it might not seem so bad. I fail to see why you should get any sympathy simply because you chose to completely disconnect from your family for an entire year. Grow up and stop being such a self-absorbed brat.

lmaoatyourlife 0

The OP never said they didn't speak to their family for a whole year. For all you know the OP spoke to his family every day and they just made it sound like everything was okay. Even if he had of stayed in touch, he couldn't of stopped his mother pawning all his stuff, his sister becoming pregnant, his fish dying, his mum becoming an alcoholic... No need to be so harsh #34, why don't you stop being so ignorant and judgemental.

I doubt the OP kept in touch too often. If the OP had kept in touch often they would've come to the conclusion that maybe their family is going through a hard time and they can help. Either that or the OP is just really selfish for knowing how hard things are for their family in the US but being careless about it in Europe.

Keeping in touch regularly whilst backpacking is difficult! You are not exposed to the luxuries of the internet and cell-phones. I'm sure the OP kept in contact, although judging by the FML, probably not as much as he should have..

perhaps the OP's family simply didn't tell him what was going on? And I don't really blame him if he never called; it's bloody expensive to call round the other side of the world. Email and text messages perhaps, but that doesn't mean his family was honest with him about what was going on at home. maybe they didn't want to ruin his trip by telling him what was happening. You can't blame him for not keeping in touch when you really have no idea.

your family should REALLY work on their communication skills

wow tell them thanks for ruining your life and go back to Europe

I don't think there could be much worse FML. Damn. Although it IS strange that while backpacking it did not once occur to you to call up the family. The fact that you could be so detached is clear evidence that your family probably were just 5 random people staying together to cut costs. Either case, if you do read this, sorry.