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By school issues - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out I'm failing school. Why am I failing? Because I work 60 hours a week. Why do I work 60 hours a week? To pay for school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 332
You deserved it 5 299

Top comments

Been there; done that. Hang in there however you can. It's worth it in the end. Good luck and yeah, it stinks now.


The endless circle of doom strikes again.

It isn't technically endless, it ends when they finish school. Then they have a degree which means a better chance at a better job and more money. it just takes awhile, it's more like a squiggly line, not the easiest route with lots of ups and downs but eventually it gets there.

Just hang in there because this is an obstacle that you have to deal with

working 60 hours and trying to balance school at the some time. you deserve an A for effort

Those are hard, long but rewarding years. Been there. You sound like a very hard worker so you are bound to land on your feet.

Thank God I don't have to pay for school.myself, between scholarship and parents. Granted, with my schedule as it is, I wouldn't be able to work more than a day or two a week anyway.

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Everyone else manages to do it... Just get a loan... If you actually work that much it shouldn't be a problem to get approved

Man that is the exact same boat I'm in but they suspended me.

insaneygolover 9

Simple. Stop going to school, save up then go to school so you have enough money so you don't have to work. Or hire an Asian.

I hear ya op. I'm barely holding it together too. It's hard.