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By school issues - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out I'm failing school. Why am I failing? Because I work 60 hours a week. Why do I work 60 hours a week? To pay for school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 332
You deserved it 5 299

Top comments

Been there; done that. Hang in there however you can. It's worth it in the end. Good luck and yeah, it stinks now.


Probably best to put off going to school until you can actually afford it, OP.

feldco1 17

Assuming you go to campus for classes, maybe try doing some online? That might be easier for your schedule.

3rdbass 9

Except online classes pile on the work like there's no tomorrow.

Inciter 33

Actually, online classes can add to the workload. I took some last year and it was really difficult to keep up with everything. Professors don't really care if their work overlaps with your other classes.

Online classes don't always increase the work load. I find them much easier. You can do them on your own time (deadline Friday? Perfect. Can't sleep on a Monday or Wednesday? 4 AM reading sesh) and it tends to just be minimal reading and Q&A. I have had some heavier courses online as well and even they aren't too bad. It all depends on the course.

You can do classes online, but there's no way you are a full time student working sixty hours a week. There simply isn't enough time in the day. You should consider taking a semester or two off of school and saving money up, to lessen the stress on yourself.

The first decent comment I'm reading. I'm from Belgium, so university doesn't cost that much, but I still wanted to work in the weekends to share in the expenses. The first year, my mom wouldn't let me because if I failed then, we wouldn't know if it was because I had too little time or if I just couldn't do it. I passed. Now I work 10 hours each weekend. It's still 'hard' because I don't have too much free time, but it's doable. But really, even having a job working 60 hours a week is a lot. That's time for work, eating and sleeping. It was very much to be expected that you'd fail, unless you're a genius. An average uni week I spend about 45 hours going to classes and summarizing them, and I have one extra course I'm going to catch up with in the last few weeks. But I'm still running a bit behind due to having been ill for a week. So honestly... working 60 hours, it was to be expected.

In the USA, tuition is very expensive and if you take out loans you'll have high interest. So OP needing a job isn't unheard of, but what they're trying to accomplish isn't possible. I go to school full time and have a part time job, my first year of school I didn't work. There is no way I would be able to make grades if I worked full time. OP is going to dig themselves a hole if they aren't careful.

Airman1988 9

I work 50 hour weeks, go to college full time, and have a daughter. It is feasible but you will absolutely be sacrificing something. For me it is sleep, I'm lucky to get 25 hours a week, and by Gods good graces I get a little down time at work to do homework. But I'm finishing up my first year now. It is a nightmare and I literally can't wait to be down, but when you need a better life bad enough you will do what you need to.

Jess - Good suggestion but not all classes are offered online. My program for example won't allow online equivalents to be taken.

Neither will mine, but most will allow the core classes like math, or English. In some cases they'll even allow the credits you need for BoK

hooligyn123 18

I put in 4 fifteen hour shifts a week and one 5 hr shift after my Wednesday classes and have a 3 full days of classes and one online class. You can do both, it just sucks balls.

hooligyn123 18

And from lack of sleep you become a master of run on sentences. Sorry about that.

meganreaugh 1

I know where you're coming from...good luck!

I would recommend getting loan than overworking yourself