What a mug

By Muina - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Morocco - Meknes

Today, I got mugged for my phone. I stupidly offered to give the guy my money if he'd let me keep my phone. He took both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 469
You deserved it 24 777

Top comments

You're getting mugged, so you show the guy your money? YDI

There's always next time to learn that lesson, OP.


Ugh, really? There was no mention of poo anywhere in the FML.

You're getting mugged, so you show the guy your money? YDI

I suppose when you're getting mugged the last thing you do is think logically.

whatunicorn 17

More like she was getting mugged and was worried more about her phone than her life. She could've gotten hurt. Glad you're okay OP, but YDI.

Yes it was silly to show money but nobody deserves to get mugged.

i got mugged once and the guy was at least 6 feet tall, he stole my shoes and i wear a size 7

I think I would much rather give up my phone. I mean, it really depends on how much you had, but you can always use a phone tracker and call the police.

ScarletteEve 33

Call the police without a phone. Perfect plan.

Because pay phones, bar phones, landlines, and friends' phones don't exist

#7, OP probably called the police by using a landline. They still exist if you weren't aware.

ScarletteEve 33

Good job #14, #26, you missed the joke.

I don't know about where you live, but where I live it's next to impossible to find a pay phone, and no one wants to let you use their phone either... though if you actually try, I agree you can find a phone somewhere

or. you can just physically go to a police station.

ScarletteEve 33

Don't negotiate with criminals, OP. Take a Self-defense class instead.

Redoxx_fml 22

Right because the two weeks of judo are really gonna stop a gun.

ScarletteEve 33

You do understand the definition of self-defense, right?

#24 is right. You shouldn't fight back in those situations - it is likely to get you killed. Even people who have been doing and teaching martial arts for years don't recommend fighting when someone has a knife or gun on you. You do what they say unless they are about to kill you or something. People ask my instructor 'if someone pulls a gun on you, what would you do?' And he always says 'give them what they want'. It isn't like the movies.

You know... Criminals aren't the only people that are allowed to have guns... Just buy a gun.

Just buy a gun, US citizens have a right to defend themselves with firearms. I recommend using it.

That depends, in home robberies more robbers die than those who were being robbed, atleast in the US.

Try to call him and work out a deal? Oh wait...

That really sucks, I don't blame you. It's hard to think logically while you're in such a stressful situation. Just be glad you made it out alive. Material belongings can be replaced.

megs925 16

I'm glad you were able to call out your fault here and insult yourself before others could.

The trick is to offer him your chicken and then your fox. He'll have to give your phone back to keep the fox from eating the chicken. Then you can just eat your bag of grain and watch.

ColonelCusswords 24