What a mug

By Muina - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Morocco - Meknes

Today, I got mugged for my phone. I stupidly offered to give the guy my money if he'd let me keep my phone. He took both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 469
You deserved it 24 777

Top comments

You're getting mugged, so you show the guy your money? YDI

There's always next time to learn that lesson, OP.


I got mugged once in Tijuana and I gave them my money to get my wallet (ID, bus pass,etc) back and it worked. Worth a shot.

I think if someone has a knife or a gun on you, the best thing to do is just do what they say. Don't fight unless you have to - like they are going to kill you or something. Even martial arts experts say don't try and fight in those situations.

OP: you want trick or treat! Mugger: I want both " takes money n phone and runs"

Next time offer him your house keys as well, really dumb move OP, I hope he gets caught.

You could of bought a new phone with that money, now your broke ?

Did he have a weapon? If not, you should have at least TRIED to defend yourself. And besides, you'd really be more willing to give away your money than your phone? Hmm.

Sorry but thats pretty damn dumb of you.

Just be thankful he didn't rape you as well.