What a mug

By Muina - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Morocco - Meknes

Today, I got mugged for my phone. I stupidly offered to give the guy my money if he'd let me keep my phone. He took both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 469
You deserved it 24 777

Top comments

You're getting mugged, so you show the guy your money? YDI

There's always next time to learn that lesson, OP.


Sorry to hear that OP, at least you didn't gey hurt but i think it might do you well to enroll in a self defense course or mixed martial arts so you can handle yourself better next time

Good job trying to bargain with someone that's robbing you lol

Should of offered him your car keys in exchange for your money back

aww, poor OP. karma is a bitch. don't worry about it and pray for his soul

Sounds like having a concealed weapons permit may have been a help to you

Not surprised with that one OP...a thief will take it all

Back in June I had my baby bag stolen, the thief gave my phone to her "fence" as she ran away. After hearing that she'd stolen it from a "single pregnant lady with two little kids" the fence guy brought it back to me and even tried to help the cops by telling them where she was headed.

dunno why everyone so hating on her, all her info is on the phone, money is nothing so she offered him that instead, its not like she was telling him take both... its a robber.. what u expect?

People are hitting YDI because she's an idiot for expecting that a person mugging her is going to go 'oh sure, I'll leave your valuable phone in exchange for cash' instead of just mugging her for both. That's what muggers do. She would have been able to keep her money at least if she'd kept her mouth shut.

I was thinking just that. The username is the same for both but the original one was more detailed (talking about a knife and 50€). I think FML/VDM plagiarism is a new thing now ^^

FML is the English language version of VDM. It's run by the same people.