What are you doing?

By Ghostie - 02/07/2009 09:15 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my parents. They were both on the bed, and I was lying on the floor next to their bed. Halfway through the movie, apparently forgetting that I was in the room, my parents started getting… friendly. Three feet away from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 768
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsay46789 0

That is disgusting! Scarred for life!

I think you missed a great opportunity to make them feel ten times as awkward as you. Any comment or sign of disgust would have done.


thats when you're supposed to clear your throat. You know, give them a sign that there's someone there before they really start uh.. frolicking.. is that the right word? xD

well then...now u know how they had you. FYL.

TicTacAddict 0

Oof, that is terrible. I mean, it's fine that your parents love eachother, but do they have to do THAT in front of you? And there is nothing wrong with watching a movie with your parents in their bedroom, what if that's the only tv? And the same thing could've happened in a living room. One question though: What was the movie???

omg! i know you're pain! thankfully, i wasn't in the room when they started, but i did walk in on them! scarring for life!

Kind of Awkward, but at the same time it all depends on how old you are... I mean you obviously know that they would be doing that anyway right? Still though bad image... FYL

Guitarist45 0

Back away SLOWLY. also. #2 is a douche. go Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kimmiepooh12707 0

oh my god what did you say to them or id you just sit there and wait till they were finished

minenotyours 0

and you didn't join in?! gasp! lol so kidding... that's incest and parent sex. blech XP