What are you doing?

By Ghostie - 02/07/2009 09:15 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my parents. They were both on the bed, and I was lying on the floor next to their bed. Halfway through the movie, apparently forgetting that I was in the room, my parents started getting… friendly. Three feet away from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 768
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsay46789 0

That is disgusting! Scarred for life!

I think you missed a great opportunity to make them feel ten times as awkward as you. Any comment or sign of disgust would have done.


hellogoodbyexo09 0

LMFAOOOOOOOO! Lol,I agree,your life is scarred.and ******. I would love a scene like that to appear in a movie...

666HailSatan666 0

Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em' Knife em'

ShenziSixaxis 0

RLH. Otherwise known as Run Like Hell.


you should of said. Excuse me but i don't think i want any new siblings anytime soon so please stop or wait for me to leave

wildthing27 4

I feel your pain. My stepdad is constantly groping my mother right in front of me so one day I grabbed her boob and was like "I don't see what the big deal is, this isn't that great." They laughed at me and continued..

My reply depends on whether you are male or female...

0 3

What are you, 14? You're not the center of the universe. You were in their room, right next to their bed. They're married and obviously love each other. What did you think was going to happen?

Maddoctor 10

Well then I'd like to see you be in a room with your parents getting it on when you're trying to spend quality time with them. "You're not the center of the universe."...You obviously clicked YDI. FYL to the OP.

I'll tell you what he didn't think was going to happen, and that was to have his parents start having sex while watching a movie as a family. Does this happen normally in your household?

Darth_Taco 14

I did that to my brother once xD. We were sharing a room and my boyfriend stayed the night with us. Obviously, my boyfriend slept in my bed. Of course, we didn't sleep the whole time ;). Unfortunately, we had no idea my brother was a wake the whole time XP. We would've stopped if he said anything. He didn't and decided to use it against us in the morning. My boyfriend turned it on him lol. You know, you kinda deserved it if you didn't even say anything :P. Oh well, not the worst thing that could happen. When I was 11, I walked in on my mom and step-dad about to have sex on my bed XP. Slept just as comfortably in that bed later that night though. I guess because I didn't care.

JaeToTheWynn 0

..tht happened 2 me 2. But only I was like 6 or 7 and it was my uncle and his girlfriend..... I crawled to my grandmas room and told her they were doing the nasties LMAO! But seriously....tht wasn't right... at all...