What happened?

By Anonymous - 26/09/2021 01:00 - Ireland

Today, after 5 and a half years, my boyfriend had spent months talking about proposing before the end of the year. He'd picked out a ring, told all his friends, and couldn't stop talking about our future. He then dumped me over the phone out of the blue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 216
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's really going on? Did you "trust a fart," get pregnant by your friend's fiancé or did you not stay thin enough for him? We need more 4-1-1

sounds like he suddenly got massive cold feet about the commitment he was going to make


What's really going on? Did you "trust a fart," get pregnant by your friend's fiancé or did you not stay thin enough for him? We need more 4-1-1

sounds like he suddenly got massive cold feet about the commitment he was going to make

Probably just met someone else, it happens.

Take some solace in the fact that you're not the only one he's going to have to explain himself to, OP...