What the hell?

By BarbaraP - 18/09/2024 06:00 - United States

Today, my husband once again went to my sister’s room (she's been living with us since her husband passed away) and claims he’s comforting her. He locks the door and there are moaning noises, but they insist that it’s her crying for her dead husband. They called me “selfish” for me questioning their motives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 197
You deserved it 45

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She’s grieving and not in her right mind. At best, this is an affair. At worst, this is sexual assault.

Chewy_134 5


Chewy_134 5

She’s grieving and not in her right mind. At best, this is an affair. At worst, this is sexual assault.

So you’re just sitting there while they have sex in your house ?