What the…?

By lindaf - 02/06/2018 20:30

Today, I made roast beef with mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. My 8-year-old daughter was crying and gagging the whole time, and eventually said between sobs, "Can't you just beat me and send me to bed hungry instead?" I have no clue where she got that idea from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 258
You deserved it 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

Suggestion: Check the expiration date on the meat.


Your child probably heard a story from a friend of a different culture. *worded for those who’d overreact if worded any other way 😂

Our a friend of the same culture... What does culture have to do with it?

Or a friend of the same culture! what does somebody's culture have to do with it?

If I say that when I was a kid I would get the belt x.x

openawhole00 6

She probably hears her father saying that to himself after you cook every meal

Sigh kids these days say the darnest things...

Maybe don't force her to eat food that she doesn't like?

Probably she understands the torture and pain (right from being raised in god forbidden inhumane place to being ruthlessly murdered) the poor animal suffer for that beef!

Stealthclaws 16

Dudes. She just didn’t like the ******* food, sure what she said was scary but SHE JUST HAD A ******* OPINION SHE COULDNT CONTROL!!