What were the chances?

By stpry of my life - 27/02/2009 22:58 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my 5 year-old niece, and she was really down in the dumps because she didn't get invited to a birthday party. To cheer her up, I took her to Chuck E Cheese. Right when we arrived, we walked in on a birthday party. It was the one that my niece got denied from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 102
You deserved it 7 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

efemivida 0

Hopefully it was more awkward for the people who didn't invite her. They probably felt bad seeing her there by herself.

Aww!! You were just trying to do something nice...sucks that it backfired :(. Your niece will forgive you one day...


fb_fml 0

#18 - because the OP took the niece to a birthday place on the same day/time as the event. I guess people who put "you deserved that" figured that the OP should have been more careful.

Little kids are pretty smart, I think. This little kid might understand if you explained that whether she got invited to a party or not has nothing to do with her worth as a person. She probably learned that she should value the friends who do want to include her, but that she doesn't have to hold a grudge against those who, for now, don't want to.

Sounds like we have a lot of Dr. Phils on here with all the sentiment. To make your niece feel really special and make up for the non-invite, you should have crashed that party. An important life lesson for her; two wrongs sometimes make a right.

holynemesis1208 3

you better have spent a shit load of money on tokens to get her a million tickets so she could get some kick ass prize and rub it those kindergarteners faces. haha.

smoGEN 0

#20 no one is going to think to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!! #21 kids dont get that they hold grudges!!!!!!!!!! #25 only good advise seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whitey_fml 0

girls are generally evil bitches when theyre little. theyll grow out of it, and the ones thatre nice from the start always end up on top.

whitey_fml 0

26- that was actually NOT very good advice from 25... good try, though.

you didn't know that it was at Chuckee Cheese? (no i havent voted) just wondering, seems like a massive coincidence. Sounds like you just didn't know, no one told you and you innocently took her there. in which case, sorry to hear.

How would op know when the niece wasn't invited...?

I'm surprised her parents, or she, never mentioned where the party was. That sucks, dude. Sounds like you're an awesome aunt/uncle, though.