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Where am I?

By kronin - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up in a field 3 miles from where I'd passed out drunk. This wouldn't have been too bad if I didn't have to walk home through town without my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 134
You deserved it 40 788

Top comments


Thid belongs to a comedy movie! hilarious!

The question is: Are you a male or female?

YDI for getting drunk. Seriously? What's with all the alcoholics these days. -.-

39, passing out and getting his pants stolen once doesn't make him an alcoholic... and that it's not a funny cow ;)

some people just can't handle alcohol

snagglepaste 0

53 don't shove your opinions down my throat!

*ahem* 39, there is a big difference between passing out drunk and alchoholics, alchoholics don't pass out.

If Adam and Eve could cover themselves up, then you can too!

hmmm sounds like the Hangover a little bit

DenBriZel 31

YDI. That's all. No debate about it.

Randen_fml 0

agreed. Do you feel sore in certain places?

hahaha 16. that was good. real good. haha

hahah happens to the best of us alright. The only time I been shit-faced was when I had tequila and sake (some Japanese fermented rice stuff) that packs a punch lol

Mmmm, sake. Sake is sneaky, though. It's so smooth and mild going down, especially when warm, that you can drink a ton of it before your brain gets the "Hey-o! We're hammered!" message. That shit is like a Gremlin at Ramadan once it hits— it will tear your ass up, metaphorically AND literally. O.O The plum kind is especially yummy, but I think it's not technically sake. There's a different name for that.

Addendum: Turns out there are lots of plum sakes, but I was thinking of something different, called Umeshu. It's a Japanese plum liqueur.

A Gremlin at Ramadan... Nice analogy #78

AmazingAnna 0

lol it takes skill to go 3 miles from where you passed out AND lose your pants

zerobahamut03 2

hey, as least you had some sort of underwear on right? no biggie, as long as you didn't drink and drive.

Sam_13161821 0

Lol been there? But you're like 11.

Hopersz 0

Lol **** that hella sucks lol

Graawr 7

hah! you deserve it for being careless.

Perfect example of ugly Asian girl right here. WTF are you doing you're not a cat.

...says the admitted ditz with the "most best boyfriend." Listen, sweetheart, I hope that you are just trolling and don't actually believe the filth that is spewing from your piehole. If you're trolling, then I apologize to the FML community for feeding the troll. If you're not, then I feel sorry for you and your most best boyfriend.

Whoa there, #94! #9 is most certainly not ugly. Bashing the appearance of others is pointless...

94 - You are ugly! Go back to your trailerpark you piece of trash. Oh, and btw. your bf must be blind to go out with a girl like you..

Graawr 7

Lmao 94 you don't have any eyebrows. :D

Do ugly girls *really* have to call the pretty ones ugly in FML? Not the first time I've seen this xD

shadexilmaendu 4

Aren't ugly and pretty like, all matters of opinion, maan?