Where am I?

By rmo1776 - 06/04/2009 06:16 - United States

Today, I went to a very nice reception at a hotel. I glanced inside the ballroom and saw that no one else was in there and, not wanting to be the first one there, I walked past and into the stairway. Turns out, I had walked into the emergency exit stairs and had to set off the alarm to get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 022
You deserved it 49 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimmythat 0

next time, read those big, red, glowing words.

don't most fire exits have signs on them and a big red bar?


Dude, i am sorry to say this.. But you are stupid Still sucks though

Maybe the alarm was only set for the door at that level - if you went up the stairs you might have possibly avoided that... but probably not lol

g_m_j 0

are you really that self conscious that you dont want to be the first one there? wow.

lol King of Kings--i've seen you inexplicably at #17 a couple times now. perhaps when you go to comment on an fml you should wait 10 minutes first in hopes of someone else commenting :)

King_of_Kings 3

#25 you wanna know something even funnier? i tried waiting. it never works.

actonthat 0

@King of Kings How about we try and actually comment on the post instead of attention-whoring at every possible opportunity on the web site and, although you haven't yet done it here, starting up personal conversations with people within the comments section? Seriously, enough. @ OP, as someone with anxiety problems, I completely sympathize... I never, ever like to be the first person in somewhere. I find it very stressful. >< It' s silly, but hey, that's what medication is for.

Kinda embarrassing, but not really an FML. I'd be red-faced for a minute or two and the guests would quickly stop caring. Inadvertantly setting off sprinklers in the ballroom, on the other hand...

If it said "Emergency door, alarm will sound" Then that was very stupid. If it didn't then that was stupid of them.

UnicornsRock 0

Isn't there huge, bright, neon, red signs on the doors to a fire escape? hahaha