Where am I?

By rmo1776 - 06/04/2009 06:16 - United States

Today, I went to a very nice reception at a hotel. I glanced inside the ballroom and saw that no one else was in there and, not wanting to be the first one there, I walked past and into the stairway. Turns out, I had walked into the emergency exit stairs and had to set off the alarm to get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 022
You deserved it 49 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimmythat 0

next time, read those big, red, glowing words.

don't most fire exits have signs on them and a big red bar?


next time, take a look at the sign that says "emergency exit only. alarm will sound." but at least there wasn't anyone there in the ballroom to evacuate.

kellster 2

There are usually signs on those...

Singularity_fml 0

Now you have an icebreaker topic for the reception.

King_of_Kings 3

so, that sign on the door that reads "emergency exit" didn't catch your eye? or, are you just that retarded? this is definately a YDI

King_of_Kings 3
King_of_Kings 3

oh god. #17 again? why does that keep happening to me?

How were you the first person there? Generally people helping with the reception will hurry there to make sure things are ready and/or greet, or caterers would also be there if used. Not impossible, just curious.

"not wanting to be the first one there???" wtf are you? 12?