Where to now?

By Anonymous - 27/07/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, I found out that the pharmacy I've been getting my prescriptions from for over two decades is closing down. Just the one store. In less than a week. The signs proudly proclaim "Store Closing! This Store Only!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 345
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Courage; lots of pharmacies deliver to your home. You just have to find one with nice people in it.

That sucks but unless you’re in a very rural area, there should be other pharmacies close by who will be able to serve you. And who knows, the next one might actually be better.


That sucks but unless you’re in a very rural area, there should be other pharmacies close by who will be able to serve you. And who knows, the next one might actually be better.

Courage; lots of pharmacies deliver to your home. You just have to find one with nice people in it.

How far away from the next nearest pharmacy are you for this to be a problem?