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By misswhiskers - 28/02/2011 11:21 - Australia

Today, it's my birthday. I woke up to a text message from my boyfriend, breaking up with me. When I commented on his impeccably bad timing, he admitted he'd forgotten it was my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 093
You deserved it 3 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take it as a blessing in disguise then. The fact he didn't even remember your birthday and broke up with you via text should tell you what a douche he is. Go out, enjoy your birthday and move on. Happy birthday


Awww that sucks :/ happy birthday though!!



Awww that sucks :/ happy birthday though!!

Now that sounds like a fun birthday gift

hoodsie 0

What a jerk. Happy Birthday anyway!

Take it as a blessing in disguise then. The fact he didn't even remember your birthday and broke up with you via text should tell you what a douche he is. Go out, enjoy your birthday and move on. Happy birthday

this has nothing to do eith it but is ur pic alphonse?!? <3 tht show

iIixoxiIi 0

Don't be upset OP, he's a worthless thoughtless man. You'll find better than him, just cheer up! :)

cheex87 0

it's your birthday and you can cry if you want to...

ghadir 2

It's my birthday today too! well not doesnt exist this year :/ haha

Leap year ftw. It'd be awesome to look someone in the eye and say "I'm 5".

If you were born on 2/29, then 1 year from that would be 3/1. You have a birthday, just not a birthdate this year.

my cousin was born 2/29 and wants to celebrate it on march 1st but no one give a ****

sharon_mic 2
ghadir 2

yeah i usually celebrate mine on march 1 and im turning 5 next year haha