Where you been?

By watchmaker - 16/12/2009 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, since I had no lessons until 1 p.m., I headed out to the store to run errands. Our school has a strict policy against leaving the campus during school hours. I returned to a fire drill taking place. The fire assembly point? The student parking lot. All 900 students watched me drive in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 123
You deserved it 36 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your school has a strict policy for leaving during school hours. Therefore ... don't leave during school hours.

I think the school should let them leave if they have free periods. I mean either make them take pointless classes to fill the time or allow them to leave. They shouldn't be caged in.


Sorry to stereotype since you're in the UK, but was it a boarding school? Because I'm having trouble seeing how your schedule is like that in a regular day school.

Don't be sorry u just stereotyped yourself as an American! And it's most probably like that because in 6th form(English thing between school and Uni, normally still on the school site) you don't have lessons all day, a lot of it is a 'study period' which everyone in my 6th form used as time off, to go to the shop or play football or just stay at home playing xbox etc. If this is not the case in this situation, then atleast you learnt a valuable cultural lesson on the UK.

immastarr 0

thats a small school.haha i woulda done a burnout, it was the "opportune moment"

boatkicker 4

My graduating class last year was 49 students. Would have been fifty two, but people kept dropping out. The schools total number was (approximately) 380, at the beginning of 08-09 school year.

jumperdreams 0

you shoulda pulled in with music blaring, windows down, singing along in a bad voice, get out and say "ayyyyy b**chs watd i miss???" hahahahahah

i have to agree with the terms used... i have yet to hear anyone from the UK use the word store. would he go run to the shop?

paladininwaiting 1

privare school of some sort, maybe

last time i checked, here in england we dont have stores or errands, we have shops and we have things to do. our schools dont have campuses, they have grounds. we dont have parking lots, we have car parks. Leave being american to the americans next time, knob. Just so i dont get death threats etc, im not insulting americans, im just saying there is no need to be a fake american in england.

cartering 0

The location is based on the IP address of the poster (you can't pick it when you submit an FML). It wouldn't say the OP was from the UK unless he was posting from a UK address. He could be an American exchange student or a foreigner whose parents have recently moved there

OP said he lived in California for 5 years but is from the UK originally.

Today, since I had no lessons until 1pm, I decided to head out to the shop to run errands. Our school has a strict policy against leaving the site during school hours. I returned to a fire drill taking place. The fire assembly point? The car park. All 900 pupils watched me drive in. FML

Campus? I want to assume that you're not talking about a college because I've never heard of a college that has such rules. If you're talking about regular jhs, hs, etc. then I understand.....rules aren't always the most fun to follow, but they're there for a reason and it's not like it's a retarded rule.