Where you been?

By watchmaker - 16/12/2009 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, since I had no lessons until 1 p.m., I headed out to the store to run errands. Our school has a strict policy against leaving the campus during school hours. I returned to a fire drill taking place. The fire assembly point? The student parking lot. All 900 students watched me drive in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 123
You deserved it 36 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your school has a strict policy for leaving during school hours. Therefore ... don't leave during school hours.

I think the school should let them leave if they have free periods. I mean either make them take pointless classes to fill the time or allow them to leave. They shouldn't be caged in.


The level that many of you seem to care about this post is almost hilarious :')

i'm still confused. did OP leave the campus and come back or did OP drive up for a 1 o'clock class?

He left to run errands and returned just as the fire drill was taking place.

X_o_X_ocutie 0

at my school seniors get to wear what ever they want on Fridays

What does that have to do with anything ?

iwouldliketocomm 0

Well, I'm glad it wasn't a real fire and half a dozen firemen died trying to find you in the burning building!

Only high schools make you stay on campus and since you didn't have any classes until 1, that means you're in collage and therefore no one gives a crap if you leave...

In the UK there is sixth form college, the equivalent of 11th and 12th grade. Since we cover a complete curriculum by the time we are sixteen, for the last two years of schooling we do three or four subjects in detail which will lead on to the one subject we take to a very advanced level at university. The way we're taught is aimed to make us more independent so we have many free periods but far more homework and coursework, so you're meant to use the frees or that purpose. OP would be 17 or 18 and in school, not college.

This is why you shouldn't have left. Though it's silly to have that stay on campus rule.

Anonyma518 5

So you are old enough to drive but you can't leave the campus. ******* logical xD