
By Chilly - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Wasilla

Today, I told my mom that my boyfriend had broken up with me. She was more upset about it than I was. She actually almost cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 225
You deserved it 4 358

Top comments

anfscd 17

So, you're upset that your mother cares too much?

Bulldozer36 21

Maybe he was also her boyfriend?


yoursucklives 36

maybe the op wrote this, because her mom was only upset because she thinks op wont find another/a better boyfriend?

Maybe she is afraid that you won't find someone else, or she just really liked him.

maybe she was sleeping with him or liked him more than you.

How did you react? Sounds like she cared more then you

At least she liked him. Even if you're only finding out in hindsight. Time heals everything. Best of luck. :)

Just because OP's mum liked her boyfriend doesn't mean she's ******* him guys. If OP was with this guy a long time, whether she still cared or not, he may have been like a son to her mum if he'd been in the family a long time, or if he was the "good guy" finally, she could be devastated her daughter is letting him go.