
By Chilly - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Wasilla

Today, I told my mom that my boyfriend had broken up with me. She was more upset about it than I was. She actually almost cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 225
You deserved it 4 358

Top comments

anfscd 17

So, you're upset that your mother cares too much?

Bulldozer36 21

Maybe he was also her boyfriend?


courtneypeck 4

Al least she cares, that matters right

Cristina26 4

When I dumped my ex, his mother was the one that cried. They were really pressuring me into marriage (actually, they set the date and informed me later that I`d better show up to my own wedding). I don`t know what he told his mother regarding our break-up, but she called me, crying, asking ME to leave him alone. Wait, what?

She was probably ******* you're boyfriend, and was really sad. This is you're moms fault.

Maybe she believes that you cannot find another girlfriend at least one like her FYL

That's very touching to me. She really cares about your life and not all mothers(sadly) can say that

If almost crying is worse than how you felt, then I must say, you did rather well not to take the break-up so badly.

My observation leads me believe that mothers often empathize so deeply with their children that they do experience similar heartbreak...

Can't blame parents for being eager to have their own grandsons, I suppose...

"But he's so handsome and rugged and chiseled and great." "Why don't you just date him mom?" "*pauses* oh I couldn't!"