Which side are you on?

By FMyCountry - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, during a football match, the referee declared a goal as invalid. The dad of the kid who scored didn't agree, which led to an all-out fight among all the kids' parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 158
You deserved it 309

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awildwhisper 30

In kids sports there should be a separate section away from the civilized just for the angry parents to brawl it out when their 4 year olds miss a goal and lose the game. They can all get mad and fight each other instead of hurting innocent people.

Sometimes, kids are much more mature than their parents.


awildwhisper 30

In kids sports there should be a separate section away from the civilized just for the angry parents to brawl it out when their 4 year olds miss a goal and lose the game. They can all get mad and fight each other instead of hurting innocent people.

Sometimes, kids are much more mature than their parents.

WillisTm 1

How is this bad?!?! That would have been awesome to see!!!

'Murcia breathes a sigh of relief because it didn't happen here. Also, Le Pen's victory shows we are not the only assholes in the world. We're just victims of epidemic of assholism sweeping the globe.

Lucky O'Guin 18

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Lobby_Bee 17

Nothing can bring authentic FIFA experience like a spectator brawl. Bravo!

What will happen when its something that really matters...like failing an exam?

So, what's your relationship to this, OP? Were you the player, a teammate, a referee, a parent, an attendee, or ?