Who's Christina?

By Beantown girl - 31/10/2011 00:58 - United States

Today, I was using my boyfriend's phone to call my mom. A text message arrived from "Christina" that said, "Just put the kids to bed, come over." He swears they're only work buddies, but refuses to tell her he has a girlfriend, to avoid making things weird at work. We've been together two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 497
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dump him now, once a cheater, always a cheater

You tell her he has a girlfriend, see what happens


Dump him but tell her first, she could be as innocently ignorant of the situation as you (and most probably is since he wont tell her about you), then you can both leave his sorry ass.

I am so tired of seeing girls complain about how much they hate their boyfriend instead of doing something about it.

This isn't going to get better. You know what to do.

ashannmj 1

If you were smart you'd call her yourself and find out the truth!

fadingfaith 4

Work buddies more like **** buddies.

lauralavenderbab 0

Wtfff :l if that was my boyfriend whp ive been with for years also! I would be telling her to **** off and him to choose !!!