Wicked game

By Hellohaileyexoh - 27/08/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I went to get food. I was late so my friend ordered for me. I took a few bites and all of a sudden it got hard to breathe. I realized it was a blueberry muffin, and I'm deathly allergic to blueberries. I looked at my friend, and she was laughing, saying she wanted to see if it was true. I just got out of the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 148
You deserved it 5 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get you said your "friend" did that. Anybody who pulls something like that and almost murders you because he believes you're a liar doesn't deserve to be called a friend.

SelecaoIX 3

You should stab her and then tell her that you heard it would kill her and you wanted to see if it was true.


falsekingdom 0

thats messed up im deadly allergic to green apples and my friend slipped some in my salad to "see if i was" needless to say were no longer friends

Sue that stupid bitch and make her pay the hospital fees.

I would of found something she was allergic to and slip it into her food or drink

Angel21102 0
jcdiva7 0

That is an awful friend. How dare she do that. Sue her ass and press charges

um if you're that allergic to something wouldn't u check your food? especially since its a muffin w purple lumps in it.

Seriously children STFU about noticing the blueberries. I've had them all the time where they aren't visible on the top or they look like chocolate chip. And the OP said they were really tired so maybe they didn't notice it. It's the same way I often pick up and bite a cookie expecting chocolate chip and I get raisins.