
By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend and he brushed my hair out of my eyes. Then he smiled and said, "Your eyes are two different colors right now. One's blue, one's green…" I was so happy he still noticed the little things. Then he finished his sentence with, "…ya know, like a dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 990
You deserved it 5 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

backseatfever 0

this is the lamest fml i've ever read.

nbrachelxo 0

I wish i had two different colored eyes :P ha. but atleast he noticed!


it's called an example. is it the best choice he could of made for wording, no probably not, but it's not that bad. especially if he's a dog lover, or maybe he knows you're a dog lover. maybe he thought you'd think it was cute. but really it mainly just sounds like he wasn't really thinking to much about what he said. did you ever think maybe he was just a little to caught up in the moment to think about what was coming out of his mouth as he was staring into those different colored eyes? stop complaining! at least he still compliments you. his intentions are good and his heart's in the right place. this sounds like one of those times where people who say, "actions speak louder than words" are right. his wording wasn't the best, but the action of complimenting you was good.

jonahwalzer 12

That is pretty messed up...but so funny

nentenkupo 16

My first thought was Yuna from Final Fantasy X