Woot Canwal

By hatemydentist - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, it was the fourth time I've had major dental work done, because my dentist messed up my root canal. After almost a dozen needles, three missed work days, over $1,000, and 2 broken tools, I only have a tiny, barely-successful filling to show for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 878
You deserved it 3 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks, maybe you should get a new dentist...?

I am reading this as Im am sitting in the Dentist. Im scared as hell now.


23lf 16

You don't get any compensation? Anything? While I don't like to follow the American stereotype of sue everything, I'd recommend you try to get at least the procedure free.

Not even a lollipop or a free toothbrush?

And you continued going to the same dentist even after the first botch? You must have a lot of faith in them!

You'd think that someone who went through 8+ years of education to become a dentist would know what they're doing. Find a new dentist who can get it right the first time.

does he come in to work fall over drunk?

I think you are better off getting a malpractice law suit filed before seeing him again

dude im going through the exact same thing. just found out they have to drill the broken root canal filling out and jam a whole new tooth in there