Woot Canwal

By hatemydentist - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, it was the fourth time I've had major dental work done, because my dentist messed up my root canal. After almost a dozen needles, three missed work days, over $1,000, and 2 broken tools, I only have a tiny, barely-successful filling to show for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 877
You deserved it 3 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks, maybe you should get a new dentist...?

I am reading this as Im am sitting in the Dentist. Im scared as hell now.


jaydemonkey 6

You should get a new dentist because the one you do go to is a real DUMBASS!

DogeMan 14

U might want a new dentist, my mom had some of the same probs with her old one

Keep going to the sane dentist and keep us informed how it goes

I would've refused to pay the $1,000 if it was because my dentist messed up.

Everyone usually says commenters are too quick say sue, but if you have had this much work done for a botched root canal, you should seriously consider filing a malpractice suit. At the very least, look into filing some kind of complaint with your insurance so they can investigate, or whatever organization governs dentists up there in Canada. There are people who would file malpractice just for the botched root canal. You deserve some sort of compensation for your pain, OP.

Wow, sorry OP. Toothaches are the worse! My step dad went into a coma after having dental work done once. You definitely did NOT deserve that!

Always be very clear with your dentist: “If you hurt me, I'm going to hurt you.” Once had a dentist feed me the “put up your hand if it's too painful” BS. Hand went up a couple times as the ass tried to pick a root tip out, but instead of stopping and boosting the novacaine like he should have, he ignored me and kept at it. Most people will usually close their mouth or scream at that point unless there is a bite block for a root canal, but I clinch my jaw crazy hard, so it's much more comfortable for me, and much easier for the dentist, if a bite block is always used. 3rd time it wasn't my hand, it was my elbow, 4th time was the elbow again, only this time straight to his jaw. Don't know if he was pain or not because he was out cold before he hit the floor, and after some smelling salts he didn't know what day it was, but I'm sure he didn't feel too good the next day. Point is, there are plenty reasons to not be comfortable at the dentist, but NO (valid) reasons that you have endure physical pain beyond the first couple needle pricks.

I bit my oral surgeon when he ground down on a tooth with an already exposed nerve he had to get stitches. I warned him not to touch my k-9 teeth. He didn't listen

I had a cavity filled four years ago and a few months after that, I got the worst tooth pain in that one tooth. I went to the dentist and found out that the idiot dentist drilled too much and filled my tooth to the point that it touched the nerves. I had to get a pretty good root canal cause of that. My opinion is ask your boss of your coverage has other options for dentists