Woot Canwal

By hatemydentist - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, it was the fourth time I've had major dental work done, because my dentist messed up my root canal. After almost a dozen needles, three missed work days, over $1,000, and 2 broken tools, I only have a tiny, barely-successful filling to show for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 877
You deserved it 3 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks, maybe you should get a new dentist...?

I am reading this as Im am sitting in the Dentist. Im scared as hell now.


razzledazzle21 23

um... maybe get a new dentist? wow! what a thought!

I'm sorry OP, I know how you feel. Navy Dental played the same game with me for 2 years. finally got an extraction, and it is so much better. Demand your dentist does a free extraction, and the get a bridge or abuttment.

That really does suck, OP. I hope everything works out okay. But you really should find a new dentist.

After the first screw up I'd have found a new dentist. Your teeth and health are worth more than money can buy.

Mooglefox 23

The right remedy here is to go have someone else do the work so the madness/pain stops, then sue the old dentist. This sort of stuff is why medical malpractice law exists. The dentist should be paying for the missed work time, all the extra work, etc. Hope you're out of this mess soon.

DenBriZel 31

Why not just get a new dentist??