Woot Canwal

By hatemydentist - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, it was the fourth time I've had major dental work done, because my dentist messed up my root canal. After almost a dozen needles, three missed work days, over $1,000, and 2 broken tools, I only have a tiny, barely-successful filling to show for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 878
You deserved it 3 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks, maybe you should get a new dentist...?

I am reading this as Im am sitting in the Dentist. Im scared as hell now.


NNCR12 5

YDI op. If you know the poor work he/she does you should have changed dentists a long time ago.

If a dentist ****** up the first time, I won't give him a 2nd try

You should consider getting an extraction and placing a dental implant instead of trying to save that tooth.

josiemorehouse 12

OP: find a new dentist NOW!!! That kind of dentist is exactly why people like me develop(Ed) dentophobia!! I had a similar experience with an oral surgeon who *tried* to extract all 4 of my wisdom teeth!! OP, do NOT go back to that dentist! Find a new one, but do your research and find someone near you who has a good reputation, not only for their work but also for their compassion. FYL OP, hopefully you can find a better dentist who can fix the mistakes the last dentist made.

Why the hell would you pay?! I'd be pissed!

I'm all against the litiguous society that exists in some communities, but I think this is one of those cases where it is actually warranted...

This one sounds warranted although the legal fees would cost more then the dental work so it's still not completely worth it. I would want to sue a doctor that kept ******* up my teeth.

I'd sue for compensation on grounds of malpractice / incompetancy.