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Words have meaning

By Anonymous - 17/05/2014 16:02 - United States - Elko

Today, my boss yet again said she was "literally dying", after she watched a funny video online. Long story short, I'm now on her shitlist because I couldn't help but point out that she clearly wasn't dying, and that her ranting was distracting me from doing actual work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 739
You deserved it 18 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If people knew how to language we wouldn't have this problem

You could've helped it, but didn't. Now you know better than to correct the boss on non-essential matters. Use this knowledge at your next job.


Drake_The_Dragon 23

YDI! She's your boss, not your sister interrupting your homework.

cryssycakesx3 22

then a boss should be more understanding when they are interrupting the work of they're employees, especially with trivial things they shouldn't even be doing at work.

Oh God. "They're". There was literally almost an entire comment thread talking about this...

askullnamedbilly 33

Was that really necessary? Yes, someone repeatedly using language incorrectly is annoying, but there is probably no one who will appreciate you pointing it out to them. It comes off as condescending, and if there's one person you shouldn't talk down to, it's the one who can get you fired. Learn to pick your battles.

Maybe her saying she was "literally dying" isn't so wrong. Technically we're all dying.

TheDoctorFro 21

Tell her you literally can't get any work done.

redelmo20 3

Never tell the boss such things

I understand the intense hate for language disuse, but pointing that out to someone you're not on good terms with will create an unwanted issue.

misuse... disuse means not being used. take a lesson yourself

kotake 7

Agreed with the ydi's. Firstly, there's a lot more ways to say you need quiet to do work than "your ranting is distracting me". Try something more like "i'm sorry but i need to get through this work I have". Maybe even throw in a "i'll like to talk later once I'm freer" or something like that. Secondly, you literally couldn't help it? We all know how the word literally is used at times... why throw a condescending remark to your boss?

Honestly, you deserve this. Yeah, people can be annoying, but they're your boss, sometimes it's better just to shut up. It's not like you live with her or anything. Just ignore it

Well t least someone is working. And for your sake I hope she isn't always like that

Apparently using "literally" as an exaggeration is acceptable and has been for a very long time. My whole outlook on life changed when I found out.