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Words have meaning

By Anonymous - 17/05/2014 16:02 - United States - Elko

Today, my boss yet again said she was "literally dying", after she watched a funny video online. Long story short, I'm now on her shitlist because I couldn't help but point out that she clearly wasn't dying, and that her ranting was distracting me from doing actual work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 739
You deserved it 18 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If people knew how to language we wouldn't have this problem

You could've helped it, but didn't. Now you know better than to correct the boss on non-essential matters. Use this knowledge at your next job.


Even though I hate everyone saying "literally" too, we are all dying.

yzzami 17

If you correct your boss, youre literally going to have a bad time

I don't know why you felt the need to tell her that. did you really think saying something like that to your boss was going to help the situation? YDI

Was she watching the video from The Ring? That's about the only video that literally kills.

The unfortunate thing about this is the definition of literally has been updated in the dictionary to include this informal use: Literally ADVERB 1 In a literal manner or sense; exactly: the driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the roundabout 1.1 • informal Used for emphasis while not being literally true: I have received literally thousands of letters

Valiumknights44 12

Is her name by chance Robin?

tehdarkness 21

Not to be a twat or anything, the word literally can actually be used in an ironic sence. It is acceptable to use "literally" when you are speaking figuratively. Crack open a dictionary, an up to date dictionary, and you will be surprised to find this to be a fact

That change only came about due to the informal constant misuse of the word, the word one should use in this case is "practically"

Y.D.I. friendo. You can't talk to your boss like that. Also you sound like a pedant.

Hmm, I'd say your life sucks but also that you deserve it. You never back talk to a boss no matter what. You need to stay off that shit-list otherwise your time as an employee will be miserable.